The musings of a mother raising three boys and a husband, while living a life full to overflowing with blessings from the Lord.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Cool giveaway
For anyone who could use some encouragement, there is an awesome giveaway over at Biblical Womanhood. If I don't win this book, I want to buy it!! What stay at home mom can't use some encouragement?!?!
Welcome to my blog!! This is my first attempt at putting my thoughts into the great big world, but certainly not my first attempt to put them in writing. Although, I must admit, this is the first time I've ever put them out where other people could read them. I've always thought some of the things that go on in my head were best left there. There is always this suspicion that I am the only one whose brain works just so, or whose thoughts and feelings don't stem from a logical process of any kind. I know I look normal, I look like everyone else. But do I work the way everyone else does inside? Or, if I share these processes, will people shy away from me, with that sickly half-smile and nod that really means, "Back away slowly - don't look her straight in the eye."
But I'm going to do this anyway, with the supposition that maybe everyone hides things inside the way I do. Maybe they look normal, but maybe they are swirling, whirling, tossing and turning where I cannot see. Maybe.
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